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Following are the charities, organizations, and individuals we have been able to help through our communities generosity and time.

$1,000 in Grants to LogRhythm Community Member

"I am one of LogRhythm’s employees who is supporting my parents with their everyday expenses including the medical supplies since my dad suffered a stroke early on this year. We were hit badly by the COVID issues since my husband’s small business were put into total hold since the lockdown has been implemented and the salary reduction. Monthly budgeting has been a struggle for us but whatever happens my dad’s medicine is one of our top priority. The assistance from our community is such a big help for us to secure his medicine supply for 2 months. From our family and from the bottom of my heart a big THANK YOU to this lovely community. God bless everyone and wishing our company more success."

$1,000 Donation to KidsOut Charity UK

Each year more than 20,000 children flee domestic abuse to seek sanctuary in refuge. Typically leaving home with only the clothes on their back, these children have experienced physical, emotional, and even sexual abuse and arrive at refuge with nothing. In collaboration with Women’s Aid, partner charities and corporate supporters, KidsOut works to remind these children and thousands of others living with disadvantages what it is like to be children and just have fun.

$1,250 Grant to LogRhythm Community Member

"My son, a member of the LogRhythm community, was diagnosed with cancer last year and has been unable to work.  The grant was a lovely surprise in very difficult times. The funds will help towards alternative treatments that are not covered under the NHS. I am very grateful to be awarded this grant."

$1,000 Donation to Community Food Share

Community Food Share’s mission is to eliminate hunger in Boulder and Broomfield Counties through engagement, collaboration, and leadership.

$1,500 in Grants to LogRhythm Community Member

"This fund has been a lifeline for me and my family, I am a single mother and the sole provider of my household. My dad has a home security company that has since COVID almost gone under, both my mom and dad had to move in with me and my son and I am know the only provider for 4 people. My dad has a heart condition making him at high risk and limiting his work options at the moment. This money will help me pay all our bills and put food on the table."

$1,000 in Grants to LogRhythm Community Member

This individual asked for all details of their grant to remain private.

$1,000 in Grants to LogRhythm Community Member

This individual asked for all details of their grant to remain private.

$1,000 in Grants to LogRhythm Community Member

"I have been teaching yoga for the LogRhythm staff for a few years now. I have always loved my work with the staff, but coming to find out I was nominated for this grant was an amazing surprise! As a working single mother this fund is able to help me in expenses that support my daughter. We are thankful to be apart of such a positive and loving community."

$1,000 Donation to Frontline Foods

Our army of volunteers raises funds from the community to support local restaurants and feed heroes working on the frontlines.

$1,000 Donation Gary Sinise Foundation

With the continued spread of the coronavirus (COVID-19) across the nation, the Gary Sinise Foundation has launched a dedicated campaign called, Emergency COVID-19 Combat Service, which addresses the needs and priorities of those it is entrusted by the American people to serve and honor, with the addition of healthcare professionals.

$1,000 Grant to LogRhythm Community Member's Aunt

This grant was provided to help cover family medical expenses during a time of financial hardship.

$1,000 Grant to LogRhythm Community Member

This grant was provided to help cover family medical expenses and provide general relief during a period of financial hardship and challenges.

$500 Donation to St Martin in the Field

The St Martin-in-the-Fields Charity helps homeless and vulnerably housed people. We are best known for our annual BBC Radio 4 Christmas Appeal with St Martin-in-the-Fields. The money we raise directly supports people through The Connection at St Martin-in-the-Fields and across the UK through the Vicar’s Relief Fund (VRF) and the Frontline Network.

$500 Grant to LogRhythm Community Member

This individual asked for all details of their grant to remain private.

$1,000 Grant to LogRhythm Community Member

"This has been a very trying year for me and my family of 6. It started in January with a large unexpected medical expense for my elderly mom that depleted our cash reserve and was not covered by insurance.  And sometimes when it rains it pours. In early March, my wife lost her job due to Covid-19. Shortly after, I lost my job, also due to Covid-19. But the bills kept coming.  Health insurance for my family is now fully out of pocket. And with one of our kids living with a chronic immune-deficiency illness, there's no such thing as an inexpensive insurance plan and deductibles.

Needless to say, your thoughtful act of kindness couldn't have come at a better time. We are grateful for your support and we will definitely pay it forward."

$1,000 Grant to LogRhythm Community Member

"The kindness and generosity of the LogRhythm Community Grant Fund has helped me to cover my rent and bills for the month of July.  It has been a tough few months with the pay decrease and my husband not being able to work. I would like to sincerely thank Chris Petersen, and all whom have donated to make this possible.  Thank you."

$1,000 Grant to LogRhythm Community Member

"We recently purchased a new home a few months ago, a dream home for my family and I and during this time taking a pay reduction was pretty scary. While taking a forbearance on our mortgage we still try to scrounge up enough to make the payments anyway we can to stay
current. With this fund it will make that part that much easier. Thank you!"

$1,000 Donation to Brooklyn Community Foundation

"We recognize that as the coronavirus pandemic continues to intensify locally, it will have vastly disproportionate health, economic, and social impacts on communities of color—especially older adults, people with compromised immune systems, low-wage workers, and people who are unhoused.

Through consultation with our community partners, we have gathered information about how to most effectively provide immediate support across Brooklyn, with the understanding that the impacts of COVID-19 will be long-lasting and recovery for many will be a difficult process."        

$1,000 Donation to Crisis Nursery Charity

"Crisis Nursery creates an "Island of Safety" dedicated to the prevention of child abuse and neglect by providing 24-hour emergency care for children and support to strengthen families in crisis."

$1,000 Grant to LogRhythm Community Member

"I’ve been helping 2 other people financially over the past year and, due to the market slow down and 20% cut, I’ve had to slow down my help.  This will help me get back to balance.  The other good news is, Q2 is better than expected so, I should be able to get back into full balance in Q3."

$1,400 Grant to LogRhythm Community Member

"It has been a very frustrating and stressful time for us.  Having just moved into our new home with our three children it has been becoming increasingly worrying not knowing how long we can cover the bills.  But I am remaining positive and hopeful that the job market will soon pick up.  In the meantime this grant will most definitely ease the burden and take away some of the worry while I concentrate on finding work."

$1,000 Donation to Code of Vets

"We are bringing awareness and seeking practical solutions to the daily struggles and issue of our veteran community. Our mission is to take care of our own. One veteran at a time. We are coalescing our base to be a powerful voice speaking for the rights for veterans with dignity and respect."

$1000 Grant to LogRhythm Community Member Close Friend

"Thank you for the grant.  Without it I would be homeless by the beginning of  August because I need the $1000.00 grant to pay my rent."

$2,000 Grant to LogRhythm Community Member Brother-in-Law

"Thank you so much for this generous gift it will definitely help my family at this time."

"My sister-in-law (a LR employee) submitted our story about my wife Mary Beth.  The money provided by LogRhythm will help with the large amount medical expenses that we have incurred during my wife Mary Beth’s extended stays in the hospital.  Mary Beth suffered from the disease Hemochromatosis, which is where the body stores too much iron which can cause internal organ failure and the way to maintain normalcy with the disease is to have regular blood draws.  Unfortunately during Covid stay at home, Mary Beth was not able to keep up on her blood draws which resulted in a tailspin of health issues and ultimately a complete shutdown of her liver and kidneys, Mary Beth lost her battle on July 5th."

$1,000 Grant to LogRhythm Community Member

"On May 23rd I lost my Mother to a very rare and aggressive form of cancer. She died two days after her diagnosis. My family of four was fortunately able to get there as soon as possible and say goodbye, but flights were challenging during COVID. The direct flights that were once offered weren’t available anymore, on top of the reality of having to fly after being locked down at home for weeks. We are all at such a loss, but the kind actions and support of the LogRhythm community during this painful time is beyond appreciated and mean so much to me and my family."

$1,000 Grant to a Family In Need

Grant Request: "I have a dear friend, Karla, who I’ve known since we were 7th graders (closing in on 30 years ago!). I consider her part of my family. She and her husband, Joe, are raising their two children in MN where I’m from. Karla has been a stay-at-home parent for about a decade and Joe has been the sole earner in the family for much of that time. Several years ago, she started a solo cleaning business for extra income. Last year, she was able to finally enroll in school to pursue a degree in addiction counseling. She hasn’t been in the traditional workforce for so long because her eldest child was born with special needs and has required a parent at home. She manages an incredible amount of state paperwork and details to cover her child’s care and development. About a month ago, Joe was informed by his employer that although he had worked remotely for 4 years, he would now need to move to Atlanta, GA to keep his position. This just wasn’t a viable option for the family due to their support network and disability funding they receive in MN, in addition to the relationships and structure their eldest child has come to rely on. So now they’re without a steady base income and it’s a scary time. I love them with all of my heart and I want them to be okay."

$500 Grant to a Brother & Business in Need

"We are a small company that covers concerts events and makes commercials. The covid has all but killed our business. But now we are changing our whole business to streaming video. Buying new gear without working is any business owners nightmare. But thanks to this grant it will help us cover our bills as we build our clientele. We are a small 3-5 man crew and now we can keep our jobs."

$1,000 Grant to a Brother in Need

"The LogRhythm Community Fund Grant is helping one stroke survivor continue speech therapy sessions remotely during COVID-19. Thanks to LogRhythm, Dan Heffley will get the boost of a new laptop computer, which will keep his therapy on track AND help him stay connected to community through the pandemic.

In June of 2003, an accident at home resulted in Dan Heffley spraining his neck.  At the time, it seemed like a minor injury that would resolve on its own, but what neither he nor his family knew was that he had torn his carotid artery, which resulted in the artery bleeding and then forming a blood clot that completely starved the left hemisphere of his cerebral cortex.

Within a week of the injury, Dan was in the ICU with little prospect of surviving the stroke.  Against all odds, considering the extent of the damage to his brain, Dan did survive.  But he lost his entire left cerebral hemisphere, which houses the two language centers of the brain. Dan faced the daunting challenge of re-learning to both walk and talk.

Seventeen years later, with the support of his family and friends, Dan has made incredible progress, and his recovery continues. While Dan has considerable handicaps from the loss of the motor cortex associated with the functioning of the right side of his body, it is the loss of language that is regarded as his single biggest disability. Fortunately, Dan’s family and medical team have helped him leverage advances in the area of Neuroplasticity, the brain’s ability to rewire itself.. With therapy, Dan’s brain is rewiring its right side to accommodate language.  It is a profoundly arduous and slow process that requires constant work and extensive therapy.

Dan and his family have an appetite for hard work and overcoming adversity. COVID-19 has made Dan’s therapies a bit more complicated as they now require more technology and distance learning.  But this challenge is being embraced as Dan continues on his path to recovery."

$1,000 Grant to a Grieving Family

"23 year old Tiana Lynn Cunningham was a loving daughter, sister and friend to many. She graduated from Rangeview High School in 2014 and went on to graduate from the University of Northern Colorado with her Bachelors in 2018.  She was currently in pursuit of her masters at UNC. Tiana was the definition of unconditional love and was so many things to so many people.  She was always in good spirits and her energy was contagious. Her presence was truly one of a kind and impacted every person she came in contact with.  She was loved and adored by her family and friends. 

Due to the unexpected passing of Tiana Lynn Cunningham in a car accident, many unexpected expenses were accrued. As imagined, the grieving process was extremely tough on the entire family and this fund was used to help provide financial relief in our time of need."

$1,000 Grant to Food For Thought Denver

Founded by Bob Bell in 2012, Food for Thought Denver was created when Bell became aware that many of Denver’s school kids were not getting enough to eat — especially over the weekends. Working with volunteers and their local Arvada Rotary club, they were able to raise enough donated funds to start providing weekend food bags (aka: PowerSacks) to two Denver public schools.

Today, Food for Thought Denver remains a 100% volunteer organization which strives to eliminate weekend hunger — servicing 53 schools in the Denver area. While most of our food recipients qualify for free and reduced breakfast and lunch programs during the school week, many of these kids do not have enough to eat on the weekends. As a result, we have set forth on one simple mission: fill this weekend hunger gap.

Each Friday, individuals, students, and corporate volunteers gather to fill PowerSacks. Each bag contains enough non-perishable food items to feed a family of four for the weekend. The bags are then distributed to the students on Friday afternoons to take home to their families. Our vision is to ultimately live in a community where weekend hunger is no longer a roadblock in a child’s path to success.

$2,000 Grant to a Friend In Need

$1,000 Donation to Relay for Life Charity

One person can make a difference. In May 1985, Dr. Gordon “Gordy” Klatt walked and ran for 24 hours around a track in Tacoma, Washington, raising money to help the American Cancer Society with the nation’s biggest health concern: cancer.

$1,000 Donation to Colorado Coalition for Homeless Charity

The Coalition is a national leader in providing integrated

housing, health care, vocational and supportive services,

creating lasting solutions to homelessness.

$2,000 Grant to a Community Member's Cousin Fighting Cancer

"The funds will be used to pay medical expenses. On top of having my work hours cut because of Covid-19 I have just been diagnosed with Rectal cancer. This is my 2nd time having cancer in the last 3 years. I just started radiation treatment this week and am starting chemotherapy on Monday. Even with health insurance we will incur quite a bit of expenses. We have just finished paying the bills from my cancer 3 years ago when this latest diagnosis came about."

$900 Grant to a LogRhythm Community Member's Aunt

"I’m a Senior Citizen, and an Independent LDT Therapist whose work totally ceased during the COVID-19 pandemic. Also, I became a widow this June, and I’ve been struggling big time to keep up with my most essential bills, and to help to support my 83 year old mom as well as my 33 year old daughter who has had to be taken to the ICU and be intubated.  This grant will help me in a great way to avoid some service disconnections and insurance cancellations."

$500 Donation to the Magic Yarn Project Charity

Based in Palmer, Alaska, The Magic Yarn Project is the original and the largest 501(c)3 nonprofit crafting character wigs for children with cancer. Our mission is to bring magic into the lives of children battling cancer, and to inspire volunteerism to make a difference.

Chemotherapy treatments often leave young scalps too sensitive for traditional wigs. Our yarn wigs are comfy, soft, and warm! Magic Yarn wigs are inspired by beloved Disney characters, and invite children back to the world of imagination and daydreaming. They are beacons of fun, laughter, and play during scary times.

$1,000 Grant to LogRhythm Community Member

"These are unprecedented and uncertain times, but the LogRhythm Community Fund brings comfort. Not only financially, but in seeing that people care. A few months ago I contracted COVID-19. Under strict doctors’ orders, I was unable to work for 6 weeks. I am fortunate that I never had to be hospitalized, but it was a scary and difficult time.  As a contractor (and aspiring LogRhythm FTE), I needed to use my short term disability insurance which required a few weeks of unpaid time before receiving 60% of my normal pay. Needless to say, this added a significant financial burden to an already difficult situation.  I was well enough to return to work a few weeks ago, and am continuing to recover both physically and financially. The money afforded to me by the LogRhythm Community Fund Grant significantly lessens the financial impact of COVID-19 on my life. I am extremely grateful for the kindness, generosity, and support of the LogRhythm Community. Thank you so much!"

$1,000 Grant to a Mum in Need

I’ve received a lot of love from the company and the team even before I joined. I know for a fact that there’s a lot of people who needs help especially this time of pandemic, and this is where I felt some sort of shame on myself in posting the page to get help. You hired me in the heat of the pandemic and now helping me/my family for my mom’s medical needs and for that, I am truly grateful."

Disbursements: List

©2020 by LogRhythm Community Fund LLC.

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